made by Rekas

Policies and disclaimers

I'm sure you saw that there is no cookie notice, no popups, no ads, no scares.

As by day I am a web dev, I know that the internet is overwhelming, it's annoying and definitely tries following you around.

I want to make sure that this little corner here is as hassle-free and concern-free as possible, there's no ads, no cookies, no data collection. I just want to create and inspire.

Therefore, I do not collect data about you. BUT

  • I use Plausible for analytics, and while it is anonymus and does not even set a cookie for you, I think it's important that you are aware.
  • I use netlify's form feature for my contact form, where I will recieve what you send me - but will keep your information to myself.

I at the moment do not yet am using a mailer, but I probably will make a newsletter - eventually. Even that I plan on making it as minimal in data collection as possible.

I will also add a commenting feature - eventually. I am still researching the best option where we can save the most minimal info about you.

I am also applying for some affiliate links, which might happen (I'd actually need people to read my posts so...). If it does happen, I'll update this whole accordingly.